Great Rooms, reliable service, for cheaper than

our Motto is:

Great Rooms,  reliable service, for cheaper than


We give you great Rooms, with much better space and quality than average,

We offer to you an effective and reliable  service which will make your staying in Rome nice and relaxing while living our very Italian and exclusive neighbourhood.

We will accept your reservation through  our  in-house automated with e-commerce driven  reservation system - at very much cheaper rate of and other online travel agencies. For you Guests  means no fees to pay with same quality and protection.

Ciao ed a presto!




Als Gast des B&B Savoia können Sie sich morgens an dem leichten Frühstück bedienen, das wir in der Gemeinschaftsküche bereitstellen. Joghurt, kleines Gebäck, Kekse, Kaffee, Tee und weitere Aufgüsse.