Late Checkin

Zaino self checkin

We always love to welcome you in person. This usually happens in the morning. Find more details in the checkin page (day time)

Unfortunately, this is sometimes just not doable. If you plan to arrive later than 19:00, please install  the "eWeLink" Smart Home APP and get in touch via WhatApp. You will receive details for your late checkin.

"Late check in" is available from 19:00 till no later than 22:00. The charge is 18,00€. 

Find more details about  your stay 



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Als Gast des B&B Savoia können Sie sich morgens an dem leichten Frühstück bedienen, das wir in der Gemeinschaftsküche bereitstellen. Joghurt, kleines Gebäck, Kekse, Kaffee, Tee und weitere Aufgüsse.